Key Bible Verses On Faith: How To Live A Crazy Faith Life

Teachings on bible verses on faith is not heard all the time nowadays! To begin with, living a crazy faith life is driving a car without fuel for a long distance. Of course, that was Pastor E. A. Adeboye’s Bible verse in reality. Certainly, you can argue with his story if you have not experienced God doing crazy things, as I have and many other believers. Or, sadly, if you don’t know the sound of God’s voice. Faith provides meaning, purpose, and guidance across all areas of life. It influences how we perceive the world, overcome challenges, relate to others, and define personal success. 

How do you live a faith life? I am glad you asked, that right there is how you live a faith life. Emphatically, faith provides a moral compass to navigate difficulties and achieve aspirations grounded in spiritual values. It is the foundation for living life to the fullest.

The biblical parable of the mustard seed illustrates how a small, simple faith can blossom into something great and mighty. When we nurture and act on even this basic kernel of faith in God, He performs extraordinary miracles through us. The mustard seed reminds us that with faith in God, anything is possible.

Understanding Bible Verses On Faith

At its core, faith establishes belief in someone or something we cannot physically see or touch (see Hebrews 11:6). It is an act of trust that compels us to act. Faith is powered by hope and love to transform thoughts into concrete outcomes. Specifically, it gives us strength, guidance, and purpose to reach for seemingly impossible dreams.  

Integrating faith into daily living cultivates character, integrity and wisdom to navigate all seasons of life. Also, it deepens self-awareness to grow through hardship and celebrate joy. Faith centres our identity in God to find freedom from societal demands and approval. It allows divine love to flow through us.

Living Faith Life Daily

Journal of Faith

Tangibly cultivating faith every day is essential for spiritual growth and well-being. Make it a daily ritual to journal the faith-inspired acts of your life. Call it the “Faith Journal”! Subsequently, it can serve as a practical tool to build your faith daily. Write about your big wins as well as small wins. Includes prompts, Bible verses, and quotes as the Holy Spirit drops in your spirit. Deliberately  engaged with these written thoughtful faith-based activities first thing in the morning, to root each day in spiritual wisdom. 

Other simple ways to ingrain faith into everyday routines include:

  • Starting the day with inspirational readings or devotions 
  • Listening to worship music during mundane tasks
  • Practicing gratitude through prayer or journaling  
  • Memorizing motivational bible verses 
  • Serving others in the community
  • Joining small groups for bible study and fellowship

Overcome Fear to Live a Crazy Faith Life

 Fear and faith cannot dwell in the same space. Fear paralyzes us with doubt and worst-case scenarios. Faith liberates us to move forward despite uncertainties. The timeless words “Do not be afraid” appear 365 times throughout the Bible, affirming God’s constant love and protection to triumph over fear. I love this Tiktok trending song: “I Still Got Joy in Chaos

Stepping out in faith often requires resisting fear’s petrifying grip. Rather than making decisions based on potential risks or “what-ifs”, faith empowers us to act on trust in God’s good plans and saving power. We can boldly obey God’s calling instead of hiding behind comfortable excuses. 

The Bible applauds those who demonstrate radical faith in the face of fear, like Daniel (see Daniel 6) and Esther the Queen (see Esther 4:16). At first, there was a queen in Persia before Esther, called Vashti, but the Bible didn’t record the Book of Vashti. 

Stories of Crazy Faith Life

Biblical and modern-day stories alike reveal how outrageous, against-all-odds faith accomplishes the impossible. When we fully grasp God’s unlimited power and surrender our lives to His purposes, we become unstoppable forces for good.

Four Friends at the Roof Top

One incredible account in the Bible describes four devoted friends carrying their paralyzed buddy to Jesus for healing (see Mark 2:1-12). Despite the obstacle of being unable to enter the packed house hosting Jesus, they climbed onto the roof, dug a hole through it, and lowered their friend directly at Jesus’ feet! This unrelenting faith so astounded Jesus that He first forgave the man’s sins and then healed his body.  

The Berlin Wall Collapse

A more recent demonstration of crazy faith took place right before the historic fall of the Berlin Wall. Christians in the area had been praying for years for freedom from Soviet oppression. As the night the wall inexplicably opened on November 9, 1989, believers had been gathering to pray and walk the city and even symbolically “march” around the wall like God instructing Joshua to conquer Jericho. This prophetic faith unlocked a miracle breakthrough. Well, if didn’t believe Jericho Wall’s collapse because it was a Bible account then you should believe the Berlin Wall collapse

Both, stories remind us God honors big faith in small packages when our dreams align with His purposes. These examples of tenacious belief invite us to consider, “What miracles might God unleash through bold faith today?” Truly, the power of trusting God can’t be overemphasized.

Cultivating Faith Life in Community

While faith begins as a personal journey, it thrives in community. Just as coal burns brighter together, our faith catches flame and illuminates new perspectives through sharing life with fellow believers (see Proverbs 27:17).

Faith communities like churches, small groups, and mentoring relationships encourage us as we walk out God’s calling. They surround us with wisdom, empathy and cheerleading in both victories and valleys. In fact, together we discern God’s voice more clearly amidst noisy distractions. Community reinforces biblical truths about our identity. Fellowship ushers breakthroughs and wholeness.

Additionally, faith communities present opportunities to give back through volunteering, mentoring, or leading bible studies. Investing in others generates gratitude and meaning while allowing God’s light to shine through us. It builds the capacity to meet tangible needs in our cities so that even the smallest act of service done in faith can positively impact someone’s day.

As an African proverb beautifully states, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Nurturing faith in the community ensures we go far collectively.

Final Word on Key Bible Verses on Faith

Faith is a catalyst that activates God’s power to transform every sphere of life. Small beginnings launch incredible endings when planted in trusting God. Stepping out with imperfect faith still brings breakthroughs because we serve a big God who perfects our devotion. He rewards our mustard seed (crazy little faith) with miracles.

Although living by faith may sometimes feel foolish and irrational, we serve a God who declares His seeming foolishness wiser than human wisdom (see 1 Corinthians 1:25). If we solely rely on rational explanations, we limit all God desires for us. But if we daringly trust Him, no dream remains too wild for Him to accomplish through us.

What step of faith is God calling you to take today? Share your crazy faith life, mustard seed dream or testimony below in comments section  to encourage others. Also, consider joining or starting a small group to fan your faith’s flame. Our world needs more believers willing to walk on water, confront giants, and redeem brokenness through outrageous faith. By embracing the call of the mustard seed, together we can transform society through the miraculous movement of God still alive today. Will you say yes to a lifestyle of crazy faith?

Frequently Asked Questions on Key Bible Verses on Faith

1. What’s the deal with crazy faith?

It’s about following God wholeheartedly even when it seems totally countercultural, unconventional or impossible.  

2. Why compare faith to a tiny mustard seed?

Like a seed that grows into an epic tree, little faith can plant big miracles.

3. How does faith quiet fear?

Trusting God more than your anxieties neutralizes worry and stress. You can chill.

4. What’s the Bible say about radical faith?

The Bible includes wild stories of miracles happening because people dared to trust God.

5. Any examples of irrational faith today? 

Yeah, from risking jobs to feed the poor to forgiving your kid’s killer because Jesus says so.

6. Why’s community important for bold faith?

Having a faith family, like some squad on your faith journey gives you strength, perspective and courage to take risks.

 7. How can I make faith more than a Sunday thing?  

Try bumping worship music during your commute, serving locally, memorizing inspiring Bible verses. Get creative.

8. How can I know what step of faith God’s asking me to take today?

Ask Him! God is always talking stuff to us if we tune our hearts to hear His voice.

9. How do I level up my faith game? 

Reading the Bible helps. Singing hymns of faith and stepping out of your comfort zone grows your trust muscles.  

10. Isn’t radical faith kind of irrational?  

God tells us His ways are higher than our human logic. He can do so much more through us if we fully trust Him.

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