Divine Intervention for Justice With 150 Awesome Proven Prayers

Are you looking for divine intervention for justice? Try these powerful prayers:

1. Prayer for Divine Intervention:

“Lord, I humbly seek Your intervention in [specific situation]. Guide me with Your wisdom and strength.”

2. Prayer for Justice:

“Righteous God, I come before You asking for justice in [specific case]. Let truth prevail.”

3. Powerful Prayer for Judges:

“Heavenly Father, grant wisdom and discernment to the judges presiding over [specific court case].”

Read more for 147 more proven prayers for various justice-related cases, from personal, conflicts to societal issues.

Are you praying to God for divine intervention for justice in your case so that justice will be served chilled and swift? Well, all you need is this inspiring article “Divine Intervention for Justice.” In this article, we will explore the transformational power of Scripture and examine 150 prayers to triumph over injustice and win legal battles.

You will learn how you can use psalms to win a court case, strengthen your determination, and fortify your faith. You will discover the miracle prayer for a court case and watch as God’s heavenly intervention takes place right before your very eyes. Also, you will learn how to effectively pray for the court case to be dismissed and approach God for a just and timely resolution.

This article will provide you with the effective and proven prayers and guides you need to cross the perilous seas of injustice with unshakeable faith and divine guidance, regardless of whether you’re dealing with malevolent intent, false charges, or an apparently insurmountable legal challenge.

You don’t have to fight injustice without trusted prayer partners. Discover the profound truths contained in “Divine Intervention for Justice” and allow God’s righteousness to shine His glorious victorious light on your path to triumph. Take today to claim your rightful victory!

Key Takeaways On Divine Intervention For Justice

  1. Powerful psalms and prayers to win court cases.
  2. Miraculous prayers for divine intervention in legal battles. 
  3. Prayers to petition for dismissal of unjust cases.
  4. Aligning with God’s justice through victorious prayers.

150 Prayers For Divine Intervention For Justice

  1. O Lord, I humbly seek Your divine intervention for justice to prevail.
  2. I declare Psalm Thirty-five verse Twenty-Seven in my case – I shout for joy and claim favor for my case (psalms to win a court case).
  3. Lord Jesus, grant me wisdom and strength in this legal battle. 
  4. Miracle prayer for a court case: Almighty God, work a miracle and guide the proceedings.
  5. O Lord, may truth and fairness guide the judge’s and jury’s hearts.
  6. Prayer for the court case to be dismissed: O Lord, if it be Your will, dismiss this burden.
  7. My Father, shine Your light to expose any injustice or deception.
  8. Miracle prayer: Divine Savior, intervene for a favorable outcome. 
  9. Protect me from false accusations and malicious intent.
  10. Prayer to win: Righteous Judge, grant me victory in this case.
  11. Psalm 43:1 – “Vindicate me, O God…against the deceitful and unjust…” (psalms to win)
  12. Show me righteousness, even when the path is difficult.
  13. Miracle prayer: Omnipotent Father, work a miracle to clear my name.
  14. Remove obstacles hindering true justice in this matter.
  15. Prayer for dismissal: Merciful Lord, bring me a swift, just conclusion.
  16. Psalm 26:1 – “Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in integrity.” (psalms to win)
  17. Grant me the courage to face this challenge with steadfast faith.
  18. Miracle prayer: Sovereign God, reveal the truth through intervention. 
  19. Soften the hearts of those who seek to wrong me unjustly.
  20. Prayer to win: Just and Loving God, grant me victory over injustice.
  21. Psalm 54:1-2 – “Save me…vindicate me by Your strength…” (psalms to win)
  22. Surround me with Your divine protection in this ordeal.
  23. Miracle prayer: Heavenly Father, clear the path for justice to triumph.
  24. Guide my lawyers’ and advocates’ words to be truthful and compelling.
  25. Prayer for dismissal: Righteous Judge, mercifully dismiss this case.
  26. Psalm 7:8 – “Judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness…” (psalms to win) 
  27. Grant me patience as I await Your divine intervention.
  28. Miracle prayer: Almighty God, bring forth evidence for a just verdict.
  29. Strengthen my resolve in the face of adversity.
  30. Prayer to win: Righteous One, grant victory over injustice.
  31. May Your light expose falsehoods and corruption.
  32. Miracle prayer: Work a miracle to soften hardened hearts. 
  33. Let integrity be my compass in this legal storm.
  34. Prayer for dismissal: In Your wisdom, end this case justly.
  35. Psalm 37:6 – “He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light…” (psalms to win)
  36. Still my mind with Your perfect peace in the midst of turmoil.
  37. Miracle prayer: Jehovah Jireh, You are my Provider, provide justice.
  38. May truth outweigh deceit and lies in the courtroom.
  39. Prayer to win: Vindicator, fight for me and grant triumph over injustice.
  40. Psalm 17:1 – “Hear a just cause, O Lord, attend to my cry…” (psalms to win)
  41. Guard my heart from bitterness towards my accusers. 
  42. Miracle prayer: Intervene and turn the tide in my favor.
  43. Clear any confusion obscuring justice and righteousness.
  44. Prayer for dismissal: With mercy, bring this ordeal to an end.
  45. Psalm 140:12 – “I know the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted…” (psalms to win)
  46. Renew my strength daily as I endure this trying time.
  47. Miracle prayer: Open blind eyes to the truth in this case.
  48. Break down strongholds of corruption and bias hindering justice.
  49. Prayer to win: Sovereign Lord, rule in my favor with equity.
  50. Deuteronomy 32:4 – “…a God of truth and without injustice…” 
  51. Increase my faith to trust in Your perfect justice and timing.
  52. Miracle prayer: Omniscient God, reveal what has been hidden.
  53. Let wisdom from above guide every legal proceeding. 
  54. Prayer for dismissal: In Your great love, dismiss this unrighteous case.
  55. According to Job 8:3 – “Does God subvert judgment? Or does the Almighty pervert justice?”
  56. Guard my tongue from speaking rashly out of frustration.
  57. Miracle prayer: Intervene and realign circumstances for my good.
  58. Shield me from retribution for pursuing justice and truth.
  59. Prayer to win: King of Righteousness, establish justice in this verdict.
  60. Jeremiah 11:20 – “…You who see the mind and heart…” (see injustice)
  61. Help me separate facts from false narratives and lies. 
  62. Miracle prayer: Yahweh Rophe, heal this unjust situation.
  63. Break down walls of pride that hinder just resolution.
  64. Prayer for dismissal: With wisdom, expose injustice and dismiss.
  65. 1 Kings 8:32 – “…judge Your servants, condemning the wicked…” 
  66. Let my conduct exemplify godliness through this adversity.
  67. Miracle prayer: El Shaddai, spare me from wrongful judgment.
  68. Put a hedge of protection around all truth-tellers in this case.
  69. Prayer to win: Judge Righteously and avenge the injustice done to me.
  70. Psalm 9:4 – “You have maintained my just cause…” (psalms to win)
  71. Purify my motives to solely seek justice and truth.
  72. Miracle prayer: Adonai, confound the plans of the unrighteous. 
  73. Give me the words to articulately defend my innocence.
  74. Prayer for dismissal: In Your great mercy, dismiss any false charges.
  75. Miracle prayer: Intervene and remove corrupt influences.
  76. Guard against any tampering or obstruction of evidence.
  77. Prayer to win: El Elyon, rule justly from on high in my favor.
  78. Lamentations 3:59 – “O Lord, You have seen my oppression…” 
  79. Help me view this trial through eternal eyes and perspective.
  80. Miracle prayer: Work a miracle to expose lies and injustice.
  81. Anoint the courtroom personnel to pursue truth over lie. 
  82. Prayer for dismissal: With discernment, see injustice and dismiss.
  83. May my character and conduct point others to You.
  84. Miracle prayer: Abba Father, tenderly intervene with justice.
  85. Break the power of intimidation tactics used by the opposition.
  86. Prayer to win: Vindicator, fight this battle I cannot win alone.
  87. Jeremiah 22:3 – “Do no violence…nor shed innocent blood…”
  88. Steady my emotions when provoked by the opposition’s schemes.
  89. Miracle prayer: Defend me against false allegations and deceit.
  90. Give me divine strategies to unmask deception in the courtroom.
  91. Prayer for dismissal: In righteousness, justly dismiss wicked charges.
  92. Grant me a spirit of humility throughout this process. 
  93. Miracle prayer: Intervene and deliver a verdict of truth.
  94. Break the power of generational injustice in this legal matter.
  95. Guard the integrity of this case from manipulation.
  96. Miracle prayer: Part of the sea of corruption and falsehood.
  97. Protect witnesses speaking the truth from intimidation.
  98. Prayer for dismissal: With equity, rightly dismiss injustice.
  99. Zechariah 8:16 – “…judge the truth and the judgment of peace…”
  100. Give me the grace to respond wisely to opposition taunts.
  101. Miracle prayer: Break down spiritual strongholds of injustice. 
  102. Raise up advocates and champions for righteousness.
  103. Prayer to win: Jehovah Tsidkenu, you are my Righteous Vindicator.
  104. Hosea 12:6 – “Keep mercy and justice…” (key to God’s favor)
  105. Remind me injustice is temporary but Your justice is eternal.
  106. Miracle prayer: Work a miracle to unravel wicked schemes.
  107. Fill the courtroom with a spirit of integrity and truth.
  108. Prayer for dismissal: With wisdom from above, dismiss falsity.
  109. Miracle prayer: Elohim, intervene and end injustice mightily.
  110. Let Your light shine in dark places where injustice breeds.
  111. Prayer to win: Your verdict is supreme over man’s laws.
  112. Miracle prayer: Manifest Your power over wicked principalities.
  113. Turn the hearts of court officials to impartial judgment.
  114. Prayer for dismissal: By Your unfailing justice, dismiss deception. 
  115. 2 Chronicles 19:6-7 – “…maintain justice and righteousness…”
  116. May my conscience remain blameless before You. 
  117. Miracle prayer: El Roi, the God who sees, exposes the truth.
  118. Raise up advocates who boldly stand for what is right
  119. Guard my mind from doubts when the battle seems lost.
  120. Miracle prayer: Ruling Judge over all, render Your verdict. 
  121. Strengthen my endurance when the process is long.
  122. Prayer for dismissal: Dismiss baseless charges cloaked as justice.
  123. May this trial refine my character to be more like You.
  124. Miracle prayer: Lion of Judah, intervene and devour injustice. 
  125. Break the power of generational curses hindering justice.
  126. Help me cling to Your promises when others question my innocence.
  127. Miracle prayer: Work a miracle that echoes through generations. 
  128. Break down racial and cultural biases obscuring objectivity.
  129. Clothe me in humility when victory seems certain.
  130. Miracle prayer: Intervene and turn prosecutors’ hearts to the truth. 
  131. Expose conflicts of interest obstructing due process.
  132. Miracle prayer: Dismantle demonic influences pervading this case.
  133. May every decision align with Your perfect will and justice.
  134. Prayer for dismissal: Mercifully dismiss deceit posing as truth.
  135. Give me divine wisdom in responding to accusations.
  136. Miracle prayer: Intervene to halt gross miscarriage of justice.
  137. Uphold ethical conduct in court proceedings. 
  138. Prayer for dismissal: By Your righteousness, dismiss false charges.
  139. When tempted to retaliate, rule over my spirit.
  140. Miracle prayer: Commander of angel armies, enforce justice for me.
  141. May the devil and his lies be exposed and rendered powerless
  142. Prayer to win: Judge supreme over kings, rule in my favor. 
  143. O Lord, help me trust Your timing, not question Your delays.
  144. Miracle prayer: O Lord, intervene and reassign unrighteous judges/officials.
  145. Father of Life, establish integrity monitors to oversee proceedings.
  146. Prayer for dismissal: In Your righteousness, make wicked tremble and dismiss.
  147. Zephaniah 3:5 – “The Lord…is righteous…” Lord, make my case right
  148. O Lord, Grant me boldness to confront injustice with truth.
  149. Miracle prayer: O Lord, Intervene and upturn unjust rulings through my appeals.
  150. Bring fresh revelation that dismantles lying arguments in my case Lord. 
  151. Prayer to win: Faithful Judge, mightily vindicate my cause.

Final Word On Divine Intervention For Justice

The road may be long, and the opposition may be formidable, but when you invite God’s divine intervention, all things are possible. 

So raise your voice in the courtroom of heaven, pleading for mercy and justice through the psalms and miracle prayers outlined in this article. And as you await the final verdict, allow the light of righteousness to be your constant beacon, illuminating the path to triumph over even the darkest injustice. For the God of justice is an ever-present help, and His verdicts are eternal. Therefore, heed the call to stand resolute and trust in His perfect timing.

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